Film(?!) Premiere: "Fun with My Scammer!" by Michael Bell

OK so hear me out. This isn't a show, and it isn't a film. It's a premiere of a series of videos for the web that I've been working on that I'd love to share with you before I show the world.

I picked up the phone to a scammer and started recording, expecting it to be over quickly once he had realised that I was trolling him.

It's not the first time I've done this and you can see previous escapades HERE and HERE. However, this one went harder. This guy was on the blower for SEVEN HOURS and our journey went on twists that I just didn't expect.

I really would love to share it with you to prove that it really happened.

I've edited it RIGHT down (just like the previous two) and split into bite sized five or so minute chunks that are all different and should be enjoyable by themselves, but when binged together they will become long enough to watch in a watch party at Little A.

We'll watch the first 8 episodes (45 mins or so), take a drinks/toilet break then watch the final 6 episodes (another 30 mins).

Please briefly refer to my previous video/s before deciding if you'd like to come. Hopefully you enjoy them, but it will give you a vibe for what you're going to be watching.

This will be the world premiere of whatever TF this thing is, and following that I will release the episodes to the internet one per day.

Please join me so I can show you this wild thing that happened, before I release it to the world.

Featuring cameos from Kathleen Burns and Ben Allan! (And two scammers who I am unfortunately unable to credit)

Event Details

Sun 9 Feb, 6:00pm


Facebook Event

Performance Times

  • Sun 9 Feb, 6:00pm - On Sale