He Māori?

by Isaac Martyn

What does it mean to reclaim Māoritanga from a Pākehā upbringing? That’s the premise of Isaac Martyn’s (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Arawa) show, which weaves together elements of stand-up comedy, waiata and theatrical performance to explore the complicated nature of identity informed by Martyn’s own dual Māori/Pākehā lineage.

“This show is for somebody who is ever doubting if they are Māori enough, for rangatahi who are curious to know more about their whakapapa but don’t know where to start.” – Isaac Martyn

Presented by WORD Christchurch

Supported by Te Puni Kōkiri


Season Passes are valid for this performance, but need to be booked manually: Please email ticketing@littleandromeda.co.nz if you are a season pass holder with the date you'd like to go and we'll get that booked in, pending availability.

Event Details

Thu 29–Sat 31 Aug, 6:30pm


Performance Times

This show has content notes. View notes

There may be more detailed notes on this trigger, that may also contain potential spoilers.


Contains some coarse language