Dan Bain has three different hours of comedy now and would like more people to be able to see them, so he's going to film them all and would love you to be there. Also, because he's a ridiculous person, he's going to try do all three back-to-back in one evening.
At 7pm he will perform "Would you Like Me More if I Was Less Like Me?" Here's what that's about:
Ōtautahi's award-winning comedian Dan Bain is spiralling into a hilarious existential crisis as he begins to wonder if his lack of popularity is due to an unshakable truth—perhaps he's just unlikeable.
In this one-hour exploration of hyper-articulate overthinking, Bain attempts the impossible: to fundamentally change who he is and become instantly famous. Will he succeed? (Spoiler alert: probably not).
At 8:30 he will follow that up with "Anxiety Knife".
Over the pandemic, Dan Bain went from being one of Ōtautahi’s most prestigious and respected artists to being a call-centre operator, unable to leave the house without his ‘anxiety knife’. This is an hour of standup comedy mostly about that.
Knives ...
And then if he's still conscious, at 10pm he'll revisit his first special, 2021's "Variations on the Same Joke"
Comedian and playwright Dan Bain performs an hour of comedy that is pretty much the same three jokes over and over again, in what is either a daring deconstruction of the comedic form or a blimmin' stupid idea.
To be clear, in what is either a daring deconstruction of the comedic form or a blimmin' stupid idea, comedian and playwright Dan Bain performs an hour of comedy that is pretty much the same three jokes over and over again.
So, over and over again, comedian and playwright Dan Bain, performs pretty much the same three jokes. Whether a daring deconstruction of the comedic form, or a blimmin' stupid idea, it's an hour of comedy.
Then he'll maybe have a little sit down.
NB These performances will all be filmed.
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Performance Times