Two Girls One Gun (Shifted to World Buskers Fest)

by Comedy Gold Theatre

PLEASE NOTE: This show has now been moved into the Buskers Festival at a new time and location!

Tickets can be purchase at

MI6’s recently demoted and not-so-top agent Steele, Vaja Steele (Phoebe Caldeiro) prepares for her toughest mission yet… teamwork.

Together with Russian operative Titsa Dynamite (Nina Hogg), Steele will have to give up her solo-spy ways in order to get back the stolen drive from a non-disclosed exotic location. Will she succeed? Or die trying?

With more jokes and punches per minute than any other spy-comedy debuting at BATS Theatre in July, Two Girls One Gun is a guaranteed good night out!

Two Girls One Gun is the third show from the theatre company Comedy Gold (see previously When Booty Calls and Cocked & Loaded). The performance brings together all the company’s iconic features; music, wall to wall action and genre-parody, in one electrifying 50min laugh fest!

"Two Girls One Gun (TGOG) is a cheerfully low-budget comedic take on the modern spy thriller movie, delivered with gusto and good humour." - Theatreview

Event Details

Fri 24 Jan, 8:30pm



Performance Times

This show has content notes. View notes

There may be more detailed notes on this trigger, that may also contain potential spoilers.

Strobe lighting

Physical violence, abuse or torture

Contains some coarse language